File Monitoring Software
File Monitoring Software

Undetectable Business File Monitoring Software

Ascendant NFM represents the latest in cutting-edge network file monitoring security software and asset protection. While requiring absolutely no software installation on any computer on your network you can centrally monitor and record every single file action that occurs on your network. Every file creation, modification, and deletion is recorded along with the user that performed the action and when.

Not only can Ascendant NFM log every file event that occurs on your network, but it can also protect your sensitive data and assets by archiving copies of specified files whenever they are modified, as well as alerting you whenever a user changes or deletes any critical files on your network.

Requires NO SOFTWARE INSTALLATIONS on Workstations!

Ascendant NFM is totally undetectable! Since Ascendant-NFM requires no software installation on any employee computer, they will never know you are watching every file change they make.

Benefits and Uses

Comprehensive File Monitoring
Log all Network Application Usage
Protect your Intellectual Property
Secure your Network Files
Archive all Modified Network Files
Log all Network Website Usage
Backup Critical Network and User Files
Be Alerted when Files are Modified
Track Employee and User Activities
Prevent File and Data Theft on your Network

Monitor Your Staff. Protect Your Intellectual Property!

Can you trust every employee or user on your network? Can you ensure that every user 'obeys the rules' and does not try to access files and sensitive data they should not? Are you sure network users are not downloading files that create potential security risks? Are you secure in knowing that employees will never attempt to steal or leak vital corporate data from your network?

Click here to learn how Ascendant-NFM will help you monitor your network files and intellectual property.

File Monitoring by Ascendant NFM

Ascendant NFM Updated!

Ascendant NFM has been updated to version 1.6. This update allows you to view all applications and websites users use on your network - without any software installations on the monitored computers needed.

Ascendant NFM 1.60 Demo Download

What is Ascendant NFM?

Ascendant NFM is the latest in cutting-edge Network File Monitoring technology. Ascendant will monitor and record every file change, deletion, and creation on your entire corporate network.

Ascendant NFM Uses?

• Comprehensive File Monitoring
• Intellectual Property Protection
• Network File Security
• Simple File Archiving
• File Backup
• File Change Alerts
• Network Security Protection
• Employee Monitoring
• File Theft Protection
Click here to view all features!

Protect your assets with file alerts and file archiving. Keep your users on the task by ensuring they are not browsing the web or downloading unwanted, and potentially insecure files. Eliminate information leaks on your network.

Ascendant Key Features:

Record every file event on your network

Essential application and website logging records what programs and sites users use

Archive modified critical files

Receive instant alerts when sensitive data is altered or tampered with in any way

Built-in log searching, filtering, and archive viewing for easy data management

Comprehensive reporting tools

Track staff / employee web activity

Centralized monitoring from one location

• Absolutely no client installations required to monitor a workstation

100% undetectable by users!

Click here to read more now!

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